Our Vision and Mission
Our vision is for young people from all backgrounds to feel inspired and empowered to fulfil their potential
Our mission is therefore to work with schools and organisations in Wales to provide support for initiatives that promote the education and social mobility of young people
If you’re a teacher in Wales or involved in an organisation which supports young Welsh students, and have a project you’d like to speak to SMF about, please contact: info@sionmullanefoundation.com
Y Bwriad a'r Weledigaeth
Ein gweledigaeth yw ysbrydoli pobl ifanc o bob cefndir i gyflawni eu potensial
Ein bwriad yw cydweithio gydag Ysgolion a Mudiadau ledled Cymru i gynnig cyfleodd addysgiadol a chymdeithasol bydd yn caniatau i unigolion wireddu eu uchelgais
Os ydych yn athro neu yng nghlwm â mudiad sy'n cefnogi myfyrwyr ifanc Cymru, gyda prosiect hoffech drafod â SMF, cysylltwch â: info@sionmullanefoundation.com